Kanahooka High School

Towards a better world

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Fins, fangs and feathers


Currently Year 7 students are studying the Fins, Fangs and Feathers Unit of work.

This unit allows for the teaching of a number of different text types by using an interesting theme. There are many engaging reading, listening, writing and speaking tasks contained within the unit, some focusing on literacy skills and others extending students to write sustained pieces of persuasive writing. 

7S have thrown themselves enthusiastically into these activities. Part of the reading process was to use DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) to focus on a book that involves animals. Fiction or Non-Fiction, fact or fantasy, the students were to present a one minute talk about their book at a book party.
We had students in "onsies" as giraffes, bears, zebras...it looked liked the animals had escaped from the zoo. Some students bought in animal based food including dinosaur and book iced cupcakes, gummy bears, chicken chips, red frogs ... a delectable diet.
But this banquet did not distract from the learning process. Each student presented their book report while everyone else listened. It was a wonderful success story of students being positively engaged. 
Special mention must go to Ms Goodwin from the English faculty who composed the unit of work. She created the unit for the new syllabus developed under The National Curriculum.

James Philpot

Head Teacher English, Drama, Music.