Kanahooka High School

Towards a better world

Telephone02 4261 4011


Letter to Parents and Carers

Letter to Parent - Carers

Please click here for PDF version of this document

Dear Parent / Carer,

The end of Term 3 has been a busy one for our school and others throughout the state. We’re happy to say that together we made it through what has been a constantly-changing and sometimes difficult Term. We could not have done it without the commitment from all of our families who supported learning from home, and from our fantastic teaching and school staff. I want to thank you all for your efforts to continue to keep our school community safe – I know everyone has faced different challenges at different times through the Term.

I hope everyone enjoys a break over the holidays and is looking forward to the COVID-safe return to school sites that we are planning for in Term 4. Please read through the following updates before the start of the school holidays and don’t hesitate to reach out for support or with any questions.

Return to school roadmap for Term 4

Schools in LGAs that are no longer operating under stay-at-home rules will move to Level 3 operations and a full return of all students with reduced mingling and on-site activities. Masks will be required on site for all staff and students Year 7 and above, indoors and outdoors.

In Term 4, where stay-at-home rules are still in place but high community vaccination and low transmission conditions are met, students will return to school in a staggered approach for prioritised cohorts, with no mingling or on-site activities.

Order of return under staggered approach where we remain under stay-at-home rules

Students will return to face-to-face learning with NSW Health-approved COVID-safe Level 3 plus settings on school sites in the following order:

From 25 October 2021: Kindergarten and Year 1, Year 12

From 1 November 2021: Years 2, 6 and 11

From 8 November 2021: Years 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10. .


The return to school roadmap is subject to change depending on new information expected through the Public Health Order and additional advice from NSW Health. You can stay up to date with the most recent advice on our Advice for families page.

Vaccinations for students aged 12 years and over

Young people aged 12 years and over are now also eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. You can book in your children for Pfizer now, or Moderna from Monday 20 September.

Vaccination appointments are available at more than 3,000 locations across NSW, including GPs and pharmacies. More appointments will become available as supply increases, so keep checking for new appointments in coming weeks.

Learning from Home

For families who are continuing to learn from home, the learning from home page has a wide range of curriculum-based activities to further support your child’s learning, if needed.

Thank you again for your understanding and support. We hope you and your family enjoy a safe and very well-deserved break over the holidays. Please take some time over the break to check out our wellbeing resources for students and families. You’ll find useful tools for mental health and Term 4 preparation. Please do not hesitate to reach out if we can do anything to help you and your children to prepare for Term 4 or if you have any concerns about the return to school. I will be in touch again soon with further information and any updates for you and your children.



Ms Christine Toohey
